Blog Post

What documents you need to rent an apartment in the Netherlands? 

  • door Simmy Kaur
  • 25 jan, 2023

Searching for an apartment to rent is a common activity among both expats and locals in the Netherlands.


This can be a tiring process and knowing what to expect is highly recommended. After informing you well about the options you have while looking for a place to rent, it’s time for the next step - paperwork.


Paperwork is a headache for many people. This is completely understandable because collecting needed paperwork can be really stressful and timesome. Most importantly, attention must be on the maximum. You don’t want to be returned from the counter because you miss a piece of paper.


If you want to avoid stressful situations and extra work that seems to have no end, read the next paragraphs. You will get information about documents you need to rent an apartment in the Netherlands.

Needed Paperwork 

There are 4 documents you should never forget when you are searching a place to rent:

Image credit: Global Residence Index

1.   Passport copy

It is advisable to take a copy of the information page of your passport. This is a typical identificational document you need as a guarantee for the agency or landlord. They need to possess technical information about you and proof of your identity. Passport copies are completely legal.


There are a couple ways to take a photocopy of your passport of high quality. For example you can take a photocopy on your own with a home scanner or if you don’t have one, you can always use a commercial service in photocopy centers. There are also applications for smartphones that allow you to scan your documents.

2.             Recent employer's statement or employment contract

This is proof of your employment status and earnings. In order to get this document you should have a permanent contract.

Employer’s statement is a standard form, composed of questions about some basic information and incomes of the employee.

Employer’s statement must contain the following items:

  • name of candidate
  • address from any identification document
  • date of birth
  • position in the company
  • employment since month/year
  • payment gross
  • details about payment (overtime, year-end bonus, holiday bonus, fixed 13th month etc.)
  • loans (if company provided before)


Statement is valid for 3 months, that’s why it always has to be dated. Make sure it also has a signature of the person who is filling the document. Sometimes the company stamp can be required.

3.             Three most recent payslips

Basically this document shows that you are financially secured and capable of paying rent.

It is important to mention a 30% rule that is popular and widespread in the Netherlands. It is advisable that 30% of your monthly income is higher than the rent you are paying. If it’s otherwise, you should look for a more affordable piece of accommodation.

The agency and landlord are asking for payslips from potential tenants so that they can implement this rule on their payment. Chances for rejection are bigger if you aren’t filling the 30% rule, so it’s better if you compare your income and monthly rent and check it on your own before making a move.

4.             Three most recent bank statements

Similar to the previous one. Bank statements show your financial state, which give the insights on agency or landlord whether you’ll be able to pay rent or not.

If you are using online banking, you should be able to simply download this document. Therefore getting bank statements can be really fast and easy. 

Every person who is renting their property wants to make sure you’ll be an exemplary tenant. One of the main obligations of the tenant is paying rent on time, so it’s understandable why this document is required.


You must have it all 

You now for sure have needed information about required paperwork to rent an apartment in the Netherlands. You should gather and prepare it before your meeting with the agency or landlord.

By doing that you make this complicated process running smoothly and ease as it can be.

Don’t say we didn’t tell you!

door Vinod Mungra 19 april 2023
Rotterdam is een van de meest geliefde Nederlandse steden onder studenten, waaronder locals en internationals.

In Rotterdam wonen zo'n 600.000 mensen en met 50.000 studenten vormen zij bijna 10% van de bevolking van de stad. Rotterdam werd om verschillende redenen razend populair onder studenten.

De Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (de meest populaire keuze voor internationals) wordt beschouwd als een zeer hoogwaardige onderwijsfaciliteit. Het staat op nummer drie in Nederland en onder de 20 wereldwijde universiteiten in Europa.

Rotterdam is goedkoper dan Amsterdam en biedt alles wat je je maar kunt wensen in een stad. Daarnaast heeft het een internationaal karakter, met veel expats die hun bedrijf starten in Rotterdam. Met zijn gastvrije cultuur, moderne architectuur en een uitstekende universiteit is het een geweldige keuze voor elke student die een sterke start in zijn opleiding wil krijgen.
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Around 600,000 people live in Rotterdam, and with 50,000 students, they make up almost 10% of the town's population. Rotterdam got extremely popular among students due to a variety of reasons.

The Erasmus University Rotterdam (the most popular choice for internationals) is considered an extremely high-quality education facility. It ranks number three in the Netherlands and among 20 global universities in Europe.

Rotterdam is cheaper than Amsterdam, offering everything you might wish for in a city. In addition, it has an international character, with many expats starting their businesses in Rotterdam. With its welcoming culture, modern architecture, and an excellent university, it's a great choice for any student that wants to get a strong start in their education.

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